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As a psychotherapist & leadership coach, my mission is to redefine the narratives around leadership & success through the power of the nervous system & soul.

My dedication lies in fostering meaningful, lifelong transformations—internally, externally and globally. By guiding exploration into authenticity, I seek to redirect our cultural focus from materialistic achievements to a more inward relationship with Self and soul. This shift is vital for nurturing self-actualized leadership and driving purpose-driven change on a systemic level.

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Hello, I’m Nadia Rae Brackett

Clinically Trained Psychotherapist & Leadership Coach

Following my BA in Criminology and Justice Studies, I immersed myself in the field of restorative justice and prison reform, fueled by a passion for addressing systemic issues. This journey eventually led me to pursue an MA in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Subsequently, I spent three years dividing my time between private practice and community mental health organizations, where I began to recognize how daunting the path to wellness became for many due to these lingering systemic issues.

I started to notice a palpable common thread that bound my clients, colleagues, and the larger humanity—stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and perfectionism, all perpetuated by a system that seemed irreparably broken. The existing framework seemed to brush over the deep transformations required for individuals and humanity to return to wholeness, and it was evident that healing could no longer be confined to individual therapy but had to encompass collective well-being.

Why? Because lasting systemic change was (and still is) crying out for society-focused solutions.

This realization drove my mission: to change systems from the inside out and guide individuals to embracing their whole selves. I now work with visionaries and conscious entrepreneurs, helping them come home to themselves and reclaim their authenticity in service of their soul’s mission and innate leadership.

My ultimate goal is to empower you to shake up structures and lead with SOUL, and I would be honored to walk alongside you on your journey to a new era of leadership.

Helping you not only have it all, but feel it all

 I strongly believe in the influence of the unconscious mind & nervous system and its impact on our quality of life. Even within seasons where we think we’re on top of the world and have everything we could ever want – financial security, material abundance, the dream job, accolades and a beautiful family – the high fades fast if we never learn how to feel safe to experience our emotions or be in our bodies.

By bringing the unconscious forward and nurturing our bodies and nervous systems, we unleash boundless creativity, limitless possibilities and learn how to tune in to our innate power and leadership potential through the lens of authenticity and soul. From there, we unlock our unique abilities to create lasting change.

WHAT I’M all about

Embracing authenticity

Holistic well-being & feeling at home in your body

Fostering deep connections with Self & others

Driving change through conscious leadership

Amplifying ease & joy in everyday life

Helping the world cultivate soul-aligned success

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In a world where convention rules, I honor and embrace the unconventional because I‘ve seen first-hand how beneficial it can be to helping people heal. Journeying beyond the boundaries of a traditional approach, I fuse my education and expertise as a clinically trained therapist, somatic practitioner and leadership coach to ignite lasting transformations.

My work isn't about surface-level healing; it's about guiding you to the very core of your being and helping you experience your life in a new light. I focus on:

Depth-Oriented & Somatic Coaching

I work with you to unearth the roots of your beliefs, especially those that persistently affect your nervous system. Once we grasp the influence of these beliefs, we utilize somatic practices and coaching techniques to create a profound and lasting realignment of your nervous system. This process not only deepens self-awareness by addressing and moving through past imprints that may have significantly impacted your life but also enhances your relationship with Self, so that you can live a conscious and authentic life.

Soul-Led Leadership

I lead you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you shed societal conditioning and expectations and embracing the person you have always meant to be. This path enhances emotional intelligence, aligns you with your core values, and activates your innate leadership, making you a conscious leader capable of creating change in every aspect of your life.

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All-Time Favorite Book:
Women Who Run with the Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Go-To Coffee Shop Order:
Earl Grey latte

Self-Care Rituals I Can’t Live Without:
Reformer Pilates

Top Self-Development Tool:
The Enneagram

A Little-Known Fact About Me:
I became a published author at age nine.


Let’s do this!